1 / Drastically decreasing calorie intake
Starting a new diet method , most people drastically lower their calorie intake from one day to another instead of gradually tapering them down until their body gets used to the different lifestyle. When sudden change like this happens , blood sugar can drop to a dangerous level from really high to really low making the weigh loss progress literally impossible. The safety Mechanism of the body will force you to eat something very high in calories to bring the blood sugar back up to normal as fast as possible and there went the successful start for the new lifestyle. Back to square one. Lowering calories for people who already lives a somewhat healthy lifestyle should not be a problem , however for those who’s been overloading on carbohydrates, simple sugars and fats should have a slow start for steady progress. For example, if someone has 30 to 50 pounds to lose should not go cold turkey and jump into Ketogen diet or other kinds of no carb diets. Instead, if they had 200 g of carbs a day before , lower it to a 100 then a couple of weeks later possibly lower it more.
2/ Don’t go through a 100% lifestyle change!
Changing an unhealthy lifestyle to a fit lifestyle it’s a challenge. Of course the goal is eventually to eat clean and exercise on a daily basis. Starting everything at once it’s not realistic. Most people who goes on a diet, also try to start exercising every single day. It can backfire really fast. When you make your body function on much less calories it won’t be able to physically perform as it did before. Not even talking about going for a 5 mile run every day, with much less calories than you had before. As we all know , weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% how much you exercise. During the first couple of weeks of your weight-loss program, focus on fixing your nutrition along with light exercise , then gradually build up the physical activity .
3/ Reward yourself!
Dieting, eating healthy should not be torture. As one meal will not make you skinny, one meal will also not make you fat. Most people work better with short term goals. If you work hard during the week , made good decisions , reward yourself with your favorite meal on the weekend. Have you heard of positive reinforcement? It’s pretty much the same thing... We all have to have something to look forward to. Until you have more good days than bad you will change , and your weight loss will be permanent.
4/ You don’t have to train!
Only dieting or only exercising will never make you look or feel healthy forever. If you don’t exercise but diet all the time you will be skinny fat. Without exercising your body you will be flabby and shapeless. Only exercising and not watching your calorie intake won’t work either because you will be gaining muscle under your body fat and you will appear bigger but not toned... To have a healthy, lean and strong body you’ll always have to have the perfect amount of these three components. Proper nutrition, resistance training and cardio training.
5/ Following fad diets and false programs with deadlines
Healthy and fit lifestyle does not have a deadline. There is no such thing, when someone goes on a diet for 90 days, losing some weight and go back to the lifestyle they lived before. As soon as they go back to not exercising and tripling calories , the weight will come back as well. We must learn to read labels, make better choices, and stay active until the rest of our lives....