Wouldn’t we all want to loose fat wherever we please? Yes of course we all do!
We would think it make sense if we want to loose weight on our thighs do more squats or if we want six pack abs do more crunches…
Interestingly the human body doesn’t work like that. We actually can’t choose the places where we are loosing from. Even further for most people the area they want to improve is actually the last place the fat will resolve from..

Let’s talk about FAT
Fat is stored as triglycerides in our cells. It needs to be broken down to free fatty acids and glycerol first then transported into the bloodstream and just then our body can use it as fuel. At the end of the day it all must come down to .. we need to burn more calories than we are consuming. Fat as fuel coming from all over your body not just the place where you are actually working on!
Weight loss in the body very much depends on your body shape, sex and generics . To reduce body fat is pretty simple.. (yet complicated) Burn more calories than you are consuming! When you are intensively working on one are in your body you really are not burning much at all. You are strengthening the muscle fibers NOT impacting the fatty tissues .. You will increase the muscle size, but it won't make much difference to the subcutaneous fat that sits on top.

The most effective way of fat loss is a good combination strength training, cardio and balanced nutrition.
In my previous article ( https://www.bernadettematassa.com/post/can-i-eat-whatever-i-want-because-i-exercise ) I’ve already expressed the importance of diet in fat loss. This time let’s talk about the importance of HIIT and cardio .
When it comes to weight loss you want to make sure you are not loosing muscle mass in the process. (Or at least limiting the muscle loss) That’s one of the main reasons Strength training is important along with of course keeping and gaining lean muscle mass since it burns calories even when you are not working out!
When it comes to trimming your best way of lifting weight would be little lower weight and higher reputations. Since we try to burn the most amount of calories we need to come as close as possible to aerobic training even when we lift.
While Doing HIIT training it’s very important to get your heart rate up to 90% of its maximum!! If you're new to HIIT, get the help of a personal trainer who can show you how to do them properly. ( https://www.bernadettematassa.com/blank )
It’s not an easy method to perform and if you are not doing it properly you either waisting your time or getting injured in the process!
If HIIT is not for you and still trying to loose some weight you’ll have to do more time on the cardio machine. The best thing is about HIIT is it’s time effective! You can burn the same amount of calories but spending a lot less time on the machine.
The bottom line is :
Targeting weight loss is not possible since if you're trying to lose weight, you need to burn more calories OVERALL than you consume.