Everyone knows this “simple” exercise… SQUATS!!!!

Squats promotes mobility , balance , helps you burn more fat and developing more muscles.
Whenever you stretch your body through daily squatting it gets the blood pumping into your body while IMPROVING CIRCULATION ! Squatting helps to increase the nutrients and oxygen getting to the vital muscles and organs in your body.
Squats are known for being one of the most beneficial exercises. Doing squats will not just help you to TONE your LEGS , but also your ENTIRE BODY. This exercise creates the anabolic environment that releases hormones in the body which makes the hormones vital in building up organ and tissue growth throughout the entire body.

Doing the squatting motion leads to burning calories in the entire body, meaning we all could lose a pound or two in our bodies. This exercise is perfect for those women who don’t want to go to the gym, yet wants to lose some weight…. This exercise is also reasonably simple to perform preventing injuries .
(I assume nothing was new here for you…)
Squatting is very healthy for the musculoskeletal system and as well as for the gastrointestinal system….
We start squatting at a very early age.. NATURALLY (First , Second year of life most likely) As you recall we don’t BEND we actually SQUAT and sit in that position to pick up things or play. The reason is because squatting is more stable than bending over and puts less stress on the joints and lower back as well.
Squatting has been the natural bowel opening position for humans since the beginning of time . If you have ever been stuck outside and had to move your bowels you simply squatted down and no problem…. There is a muscle that encircles the gut like a lasso when we are sitting or standing, and it pulls the gut in one direction, creating a kink in the tube . Squatting leads to a nice straight intestinal tract, allowing for a direct, easy exit.
Squatting promotes properly functioning pelvic floor muscles , necessary for pelvic stability and proper bowel and bladder health.
Properly squatting deep throughout the day helps to keep the pelvic floor muscles functional.
Pelvic Floor Muscles are the foundation of your core! ITS ALL CONNECTED!! However like everything in our body, the pelvic floor muscles don’t work by themselves either.
The pelvic floor muscles work in conjunction with the glutes, back muscles, deep abdominal and inner thigh muscles also work in connection with the diaphragm, which is the muscle that helps us breathe.
Because of the relationship with these other muscles, it’s important to get all of the muscles working together. Squats, especially deep squats that emphasize the glutes, can be an excellent pelvic floor strengthening exercise.

At least 2.5 million people see their doctor each year due to this digestive issue, (not talking about the more serious cases like IBS or CHRONS ..) according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Try deep squat!! It helps to open up your hips , provides lower back and hip relief. It’s a great counterbalance to the tightness we develop from sitting all day. It’s also known to improve circulation and digestion by putting pressure on your abdomen.
Proper Squat Form
-Stand with feet a little wider than hip width, toes facing front.
-Drive your hips back—bending at the knees and ankles and pressing your knees slightly open
-Sit into a squat position while still keeping your heels and toes on the ground, chest up and shoulders back.
-Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.
-Press into your heels and straighten legs to return to a standing upright position.
Squats help you have a better digestion. (Beside countless MANY other benefits)The exercise helps in improving the flow of fluids in the body and this promotes clearing up of your bowel. This helps you have a better digestive system which is great for your overall health.
Squatting is one powerful exercise which can be done for free! It doesn't need you to have a gym membership! All you need is some space and the knowledge to do it correctly and you are good to go!